Squaw Valley

California, USA
"Plate-forme #1, #2, #3 et #4" Plaster 2008Extra-dur #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7" Marbles 2008"299 792 458 m/s" Marble, bulb, switch 2009"En Mains Propres" Marbles, brass, chrome 2007"Pour cible" Rosette, darts 2009"En souplesse" Cork 2008
Olivier Sévère's sensitive artwork. This artist deliberately uses inapropriate materials to reinterpret manufactured objets. In contemporary art I like it when form is not ignored over substance, when formal beauty marries concept, when craft meets art and when aesthetic refinement reflects refinement of thought.Olivier Sévère is a graduate of the Beaux-Arts of Paris. All photos by Olivier Sévère. Contact: oliviersevere (at) gmail.com