Squaw Valley

LA's Silent Movie Theater will be screening obscure movies that happen to have random song-and-dance numbers every Saturday evening in April as a part of their 'HOLYFUCKINGSHIT - Can't Stop the Musicals' series.
Catch forgotten gems such as Jailhouse Rock (female inmates start a dance dance revolution), Jaani Dushman (Terminator 2 meets Bollywood), and Flash Forward (a dance-off movie directed by Sidney Poitier[?!].) The highlight of the series is the 30th Anniversary screening of Forbidden Zone. This oddity is a journey into the Sixth Dimension set to an Oingo Boingo soundtrack, and features a young Danny Elfman as a cabaret-style Satan. Director Richard Elfman will be in attendance, and will do a Q&A after the show.
Forbidden Zone, 1980
Jaani Dushman, 1979
Fast Forward, 1985
Jailbird Rock, 1988
Listing of Events:
April 3 - Forbidden Zone 30th Anniversary Screening
April 10 - Son of Bollyweird (feat. Jaani Dushman)
April 17 - Leotarded! '80s Dance Movie Madness (feat. Fast Forward)
April 24 - Mondo Musicals Mix Night (feat. Jailbird Rock)
Tickets: $10
The Silent Movie Theater
611 N Fairfax Avenue
Los Angeles