Squaw Valley

shin murayama update
A selection of specially designed masks by Shin Murayama joined our IDLM gallery last year. Since then, he has continued to receive attention for his work.
Most recently this Shoe Face mask was featured in I Love You Magazine, Issue 4. It is currently available for purchase in the IDLM Gallery.
The Amadeus mask appeared in an exhibition in Belgium. Murayama fused the desire to create a Mozart mask with the concept of wearing a statue. His impressive result was achieved by using his trademark stitching to assemble the piece out of vintage jeans and denim jackets.
The Amadeus mask is part of "The Believers," a new project by La Fortuna Studios. The project unites a new environmentally conscious community of designers who promote sustainability in fashion with traveling exhibitions of unique pieces, editorials, films, and an online platform. A perfect fit for Shin, a designer with such powerful repurposing skills.
Here's some work by other designers part of the project: