The covers of these Havank crime-novels were designed in the 60's and 70's by illustrator/designer Dick Bruna. He is best known for his Nijntje-books (Miffy in English) but clearly he excelled at other types of graphic design too. I love, love, love his work. Aren't these covers amazingly beautiful? I used them as extra pops of colour today when I dressed the window for the Oxfam Boutique I volunteer at (thanks Eva --> = the 'boss', for pointing them out to me!). They sold almost instantly.
We sell vintage clothing, accessories and books and the proceeds go to charitable causes. I love volunteering there, as it has given me an opportunity to finally try my hand at something I had always dreamed of doing but was always afraid to try: styling and window-dressing. I'm learning so much - and every now and again I get some really positive feedback from customers. So sometimes, late at night, when I'm in bed, I allow myself to dream and think that maybe I do have a creative streak after all. I always considered that thought to be very arrogant, so I never really explored doing anything visually creative. I was raised an "intellectual"; the mind was God, the senses were to be ignored. Aesthetics were considered to be 'frivolous' unless you could produce serious ART with a capital 'A'. Thus, I made my career out of words, thoughts and being a lecturer (which I really loved) Now I'm nearing 40 and I think it's high time I allow myself to do things my gut tells me to do.
If you ever find yourself in Antwerp - living there or visiting: feel free to pay our shop a visit. It is located at 27, Brederodestraat. I'm there on Tuesday mornings, but of course you can drop in any time you feel like it.