Squaw Valley

forming history.
the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo
the Vietnam conferance during which the contract to remove all American troops was signed (Paris 1973)
the defendants bench during the Nuremberg trials in 1945-1946
My good, idén är helt fantastiskt! "Forming history" är ett projekt av Tino Seubert där möbler formats efter viktiga, historiska ögonblick (med möbler inblandade). Enligt Tino fångas ögonblicken genom abstrakta skuggor, deformationer eller spår i objekten.
My good, this idéa is amazing! "Forming history" is a project by Tino Seubert were furniture is developed from significant moments in history (with furniture involved). The moments are captured through abstract shadows, deformations or traces in his objects.
via yatzer