Note to selfHurrah! Since starting this blog, I had been so frustrated about not knowing how to create real links to sources. I felt it made me look mean and stingy too, like I didn't want to share. So I decided to investigate. Big adventure. I had no idea. I'm not the most computer-literate of people (that's an understatement) so in the process of teaching myself how to do it, my blog drastically changed its look a few times. Oh, the horror and heart palpitations that gave me. All of a sudden, there would be horrible colours everywhere or things would get lost. I think at a certain moment I may have even teared up a bit. I'm not sure it looks the way it used to but I guess I can live with that because .... I now KNOW HOW TO CREATE LINKS! Look! Look! Can you see them in today's post on simplicity??? Go and click on them!! I'm really proud, so don't rain on my parade :-)