Squaw Valley

Haeyeon Choi is a 20 year old student from San Francisco studying at Parsons the New School for Design majoring in IDC fashion. She started her blog simply because she had too many things saved on her desktop, and then things just took off from there. Her continuous stream of beautiful images shows taste and perspective. She came by the IDLM office to have a chat, take some photos, and drink a bubble tea.
S:One thing that really draws me to your blog is that it feels like a constant collage, every image has a connection with the one before and the one after. Whats the relationship between them?
H: I try to keep the images on my tumblr consistent and balanced throughout. For example I won't post two images that are from the same photo shoot back to back. I think it's more fun when it's all over the place and spontaneous!
S: So, the 90s are having a major revival right now. It seems really powerful for people who were raised in that time. What is your connection to that aesthetic? And what is your favorite 90s look?
H: I'm glad the 90's is coming back. The clothes back then were so horrible that its actually oh so good and now I see all these people rocking them, including myself. My favorite 90's look is Marc Jacobs for Perry Ellis 1992. I want to live in that whole collection.
S: Another important theme in your images is a balance between a really aggressive/androgynous look and an over the top feminine one.
H: Androgynous is on the top of the list for me. My main inspiration is the model Andrej Pejic who is definitely the defintion of that word!
S: OK...so this is a pretty hard question, if you could only wear ONE designer for the rest of your life who would it be?H: If I had to wear only one designer....that is a very hard question! But I would say...Christopher Kane. I feel like his clothes are a perfect balance of my aesthetic so I won't go crazy. Also he's a genius.
S: Agreed. Who is your style soul mate?
H: There is this Japanese DJ named Mademoiselle Yulia who is currently a style icon for me! She can wear the most crazy/colorful clothes and look so fierce in them. Also, I dyed my hair purple and got a bob cut because of her!!
S:What is the worst popular trend happening today?
H: Seriously what is in trend right now? Ha ha.
Haeyeon Shot/Styled by Sarah Maurer. Clothes By I DON'T LIKE MONDAYSHaeyeon wears top by moonspoon saloon, knee socks stylist's own, boots from IDLM studioHaeyeon wears Cheap Monday swimsuit, T by Alexander Wang shorts, Improvd sweatshirt