In a week, the sales are starting. It used to be a time of year I avoided like the plague. The hordes of people, the noise, the heat, the waiting, it always felt like too much of an effort. When I got ill, my budget shrunk dramatically, but I still needed clothes and I wanted some of them to still be beautiful, good quality. Pieces I would wear for years. So, I had to get smart at shopping: I decided to embrace the sales and look for investment pieces at reduced prices.
To save on money and energy I developed a strategy which really works for me. Give it a try if you haven't already!
1. Make a list of the things you need/want in your wardrobe. Note down shape and colour you are looking for. Add a rough estimate of how much you are willing to spend on each item
2. A week before the sales, go pre-shopping. If you can, go on weekdays. Less people that way! Go to stores and try things on. If you like something, write down the price, where you found it, what colour it is. I also always make a sketch of the item. Keep your goal in mind! If you are shopping for specific items, try not to focus too much on other items.
3. Back home, look at your 'loot' and wardrobe. Think about how to combine new with old. That way you can edit down the things you found during pre-shopping. If there is an essential item still missing, I sometimes decide to buy less and save some money for next season. Shapes change, so my perfect pant might be easier to find in next season's collections.
4.On the first day of the sales, go back to the shops and buy without having to try anything on!!
I really love that feeling of waltzing into a shop full of frantic people, straight to that dress or that coat I love. Hoping it will still be there. It is! 30% off! YAY! And then paying for it and done!
So after the weekend I will begin my hunt. On the list: a perfect pair of trousers (aren't they always on the list for most women?) and a classic coat. I want that coat above, in dark navy, almost black.
P.S. If, during pre-shopping, I find something I LOVE, something I have been looking for for seasons, I buy it. But ONLY if it's within budget.