small scaled, for giants Wee Georgia O'Keefe beside her enormous painting Sky Above Clouds IV Oh where to set the Moores? Here? There? I love this little museum -- designed by the late (questionably) great Philip Johnson, the place sits in a scorch zone atop a small hill in Fort Worth. It's the sort of museum that feels full of someone's private treasures and good-mannered artifacts, full of civility. Some rooms have taupe carpet that's matted from 50 years of footsteps, replete with little pedestals holding up Remington's -- bronze cowboys firing away at each other in perpetuity. And then there is the occassional delight of stumbling across a funeral-black Nevelson, a small, quiet Arthur Dove, a chalky Milton Avery or this beauty by William McCloskey that's as fresh as citrus, but rich.