Squaw Valley

In Love with Maine
Our first summer in Maine was a disaster. We were 2 years old. Sara was sick and our parents found Karen hiding in the fireplace. Fortunately, they didn't give up on making this our summer destination. For the next 14+ years, we would spend weeks on Fortunes Rocks Beach boogie boarding, making sand dripping castles, seed bead and fimo jewelry, eating our grandma's delicious sandwiches, and watching rented movies at night. Going back as adults is a bit different, but nostalgia at its best.
our path

irene is coming

backyard marsh
dock we went to with our dad to meet local lobstah men
our favorite general store

and others...
picnic view
More to come of when Hurricane Irene hit, power outage fun...and more food and shopping. (DUH)
Thanks Aunt Shelley for letting us enjoy your summer home for the past several years. We love you!