Sarah: How did you guys go about starting this thing? All your production is by hand?Drew: Jordan and I initially decided that we wanted to create our ownboards by getting ten uncut skateboard plies and shaping them in myGreenwich Village basement apartment. We accidentally chopped up mydesk with a borrowed jigsaw in the process. Since then we have figuredit out a bit better.Jordan: We personally hand-cut all our 10” wide decks in the BrooklynNavy Yards, spray paint them on the street, screen print themourselves, then apply a polyurethane coat to preserve the graphic andreference old-school slick decks. We have a slightly narrower deckthat we get manufactured, too.
Sarah: The Corpse Corps images and blog are really oriented toward theoccult (pentagrams/skulls/spirituality), whats the connection betweenthe dark arts and skating?Jordan & Drew : We grew up as pranksters, listening to Misfits and Iron Maiden,painting walls, drawing, skateboarding, making ramps, having animagination, and rocking on the darker side of things. I don’t knowif there’s a direct correlation between the two it’s just what we’reinto.
Sarah: Your blog is pretty damn entertaining and says a lot about you guys.Don't you think?Jordan & Drew: Thanks. We try to pack it with original content on and off the board.
Sarah: So skating is unisex, but its generally a "man's world". Why is that?Jordan & Drew: Its fine. Girls can definitely shred - its their choice, just as itis anybody's.
Sarah: Your boards have a unique coffin shape. What kind of skating doesthat make for?Jordan & Drew: The most fun kind.
Sarah: What are your fashion-boners for girls?Jordan & Drew: Sheer baggy top, good ass pants, and a good attitude.
Sarah: If you weren't a skater/designer/photographer what would you be?Jordan: An explorer.Drew: President. Or a fluffer.
Check out Corpse Corps decks and apparel in the SHOP