i love that the sleeves are slashedand i love the change in pattern.the socks retain the style and colorof the sweater patternbut change it in scale andthe repetition of the rhombithus creating a slightly different patternthat also differs in overall tone(because of more black in the socks)and overall pattern effect(if you squint, the sweater appears to bespotted or latticed and the socks appear to beeither checkered or striped, and the sockslook more 'busy' because of the evenamount of colors.)
also, i love the burlington-style pattern.the pattern on the sweater is offwhich makes it look rebellious rather thanconventional (the slashed sleeves add to this)
okay, these things are not really important.point is, i love this look.and would wear it.
a model named laura in 'a magazine' issue #1, august 2001.pic from the awesome cotonblanc.