Squaw Valley

Liebster blog award
March has brought me Spring and another wonderful gift: I was awarded with the Liebster blog award by the lovely Gudy of Eclectic Trends. Gudy, who is based in Barcelona, is not only a very talented stylist and trainer in Visual Merchandising. She's also one of the kindest souls I've 'met' over the past few months. It's a true honour to be among the ones she's chosen to award. If you want to 'meet' her too, click here. Thank you, Gudy, for such a lovely gift!
The Liebster award is a way for bloggers to help each other out by spreading the word about their blogs. The rules for this award are:
1. Thank the giver and link back to them.
2. Nominate 5 other blogs with less than 200 followers. (I couldn't find the exact amount of followers for every one I chose, so I might have broken the rules there :-))
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Hope that the 5 you nominate will keep the cycle going to spread all that good blogging karma!
So, here are the 5 blogs I'd like to pass the award on to - they all belong to people I feel a real connection with and they all share a love of beauty:
1. A butterfly in my hair. Pure beauty.
2. Chez Danisse. She touches me with her writing every time.
3. L'inventaire de l'esthetique. Stunning French photography.
4. Designskool. A great resource for beautiful design by the mysterious Justine - I have no idea where she's based.
5. Casual poet culture. A poetic blog from Singapore - definitely a creative hot-spot to watch.
I hope you'll enjoy them just as much as I do!