Squaw Valley

This was one of those stores in which I sweat, and fret over being too nervous to take ask to take pictures*. Entering Egg, Maureen Douherty's (of Issey Miyake fame) shop in the Knightsbridge area of London, you immediately want to live the minimalist, quality driven lifestyle they convey (and sell).
Within seconds I was worshipping the most beautiful and SIMPLE linen garments, woven scarves, basic white button downs and wanted it all. 300 pounds for a white shirt? No problem! (Who am I?!)Everything from the the way the items are displayed by color and style on the walls and tables, the small staircase leading to more treasures upstairs, to the laid back manor of cute shopgirls; Egg is a place you don't want to leave.*These photos are not mine, all found online from other egg lovers!