Sarah: You describe your designs as "geometric hardware" and cite inspirations like space and the future. What images come to mind when you think about your inspirations? Films? Places?
Cosmic Thread: Shape is our biggest form of inspiration, you can find it everywhere and in everything making it such an important part of life and the basis for our designs. We go crazy when we see a shape we find unusual and different and think how can we incorporate it into our designs. We are deeply inspired by space and the space between, or the threads of energy connecting us all as one. The universe is deeply mysterious and full of organic beauty. Our pieces were all designed based off two basic shapes that we were so inspired by. The triangle and the semi circle. Both these shapes we found often in celestial and astrological charts, sun dials, and ancient carvings. We felt variations of these shapes to have a powerful connection to the universe that so inspired us.
S: Your jewelry is pretty statement making, but also tasteful. When do you like to push the envelope? Or do you enjoy a more minimalist style?
CT:Our aesthetic combines clean minimalist lines with ultra contemporary shapes. We are always looking to push the boundaries of the design industry following only our insights and inspirations. We want to make pieces that no one has ever seen before, pushing the standard of jewelry from accessory into hardware.
S: Have you always been interested in jewelry? Is it a major part of your wardrobe?
CT: We both studied at a very technical based apparel design in school. Our skills from piecing together patterns evolved into piecing together hardware. Our hardware is designed to be an extension of the wearer rather than an accessory to the outfit. Pairing our pieces with a simple silhouette can instantly transform any wardrobe staple. Our hardware is definitely a major part of our wardrobes. We each have our go to piece from the collection that we seem to wear with everything, I think our respective pieces we choose to wear say a lot about who we are and how we are so uniquely different yet very much the same.
S: How did you begin to work together?
CT: We started working together after finishing school. Our work has really evolved over the past two years and has become much more refined and structured. It's not uncommon for one of us to start a project and the other to finish it. In fact that is how we work best. Our design styles are very different and in that way we compliment each other really well. We are usually mind melding simultaneously, so we think in the same way and design in two different manners. It's great.

TC: Taryn used to volunteer at the museum of contemporary art in Denver and met Zandra Rhodes once! She is a huge inspiration to us both, we love eccentric beings, our great grandmother was an eccentric and a great role model. A true free spirit indeed.
Time for a pop quiz!
Complete this sentence: My dreams will come true when... I see Claire and Jonah of YACHT wearing Cosmic Thread.
Earth or Space? Space is the place!
Mind or Matter? Mind over matter, although we are greatly intrigued by dark matter or the space between everything in the universe.
Gold or Silver? GOLD
Mars or Jupiter? I would have to say Jupiter has always been one of my favorite planets.
Astronaut or Cowboy? We recently observed it through our telescope when it was aligned with four of its moons it was truly incredible! I would love to be an astronaut, it would be amazing to go beyond the reaches of our earth.
If you could live inside one film what would it be? The Fall. The movie was shot in 18 countries and did not use any computer generated images. The locations are ethereal and the characters are eccentric, the perfect combination to get lost living inside their story of pure beauty and wanderlust.