Dreams Do Come TrueAbout a month ago I had a very vivid dream that I was in Africa, the Congo, to be exact. I remembered every detail of the colors, landscape, and people. I woke up, freaked out and tried to figure out a way to get back to Africa asap. Fast forward a month, to Wednesday of this week where I get an email that I have received a grant to go to SIAO. SIAO is an artisan trade show in Burkina Faso featuring arts and crafts from all over Africa. All of my artisans (including the lovely Fatim above) from Mali will be there, and since I don't feel comfortable visiting Mali right now with the political instability they are facing, this is beyond perfect. I CANNOT wait to visit with our current artisans and seek out new materials, products for future Proud Mary products. Lesson of the story...if you have a dream that you vividly remember, that is what you are supposed to be doing. Make it happen! (image from West Africa Trade Hub)