The things our fathers teach us, they take on a shape we carry with us through life. What is it we learn through kind encouragement, cold shoulders, the string of 'how to's' and 'how not to's'?
As I'm getting older, I find myself closely observing fathers and daughters. It seems as if those girls who were/are close to their fathers have a sense of confidence and centredness that others lack. Whenever I learn of a creative collaboration between a father and his daughter, I'm particularly touched. Most of you will already know Herriott-Grace. If you don't, you can watch a video about them here.
Wsake is another inspiring father-daughter duo. He is a silversmith, she a graphic designer. And in their workshop in Regensburg, Germany, they create the most beautiful jewelery (and other objects).
So, what is it your father taught you about life?