the good news are that i again got through intothe finals of the "gombold újra" fashion design competition.i think it's amazing that i (with a little help frommy mommy and her colleague ibolya) did it again.
practically everybody advised me against entering again this year.first off because most of my family measures things in "payoffs".and payoff to them means financial success. so if something doesn'tbring more money than what i invested then why would i do normal person would do it. at least that's what they think.because last year it didn't get me any financial successthey thought that it would be a waste of time, energy and money.they could not grasp that i did it for the work itself not money.
okay, i love my family and they love me too... they want toprotect me and they want to mold me into a proper citizen, which i'm not.but they want to do that because they want to see me get along wellin this world. i do struggle in this society that demands that i bea slave to it... but that's okay, i think. maybe i really shouldwork more and earn more money. my family is right. and i amright, too, i think. my mommy always tries to stand bymy side, tho. :)
Another friend told me i should not enter because of the high probabilitythat i could not repeat last year's success... and i said, so what?no problem if i can't repeat it...
i had to save money for the competition, there were even billsi did not pay because i had to put aside the money for the fabrics...i had to save off more that 500 bucks, which is actually a lot forpoor little me. and i did enter the competition. :) :)
and again i got through into the final round... yay! :D
i really think it's amazing.
this year the challenge was even more exciting becauseit got broader in that we could choose from manyareas of inspiration. we could use practically anything fromthe cultures and natures of 4 of Central Europe's countries.
we even got a pinterest board with loads of inspo:here.
i chose andré kertész' "distortions" series. some 200 photos thathe made in 1933 of two beautiful women through distorted mirrors.a really, really surreal, really grotesque but no less beautiful series.i find them breathtaking, funny, witty, and utterly modern.
we had to design 5 outfits that i'll post later.
above you can see some of them in the making.
and here, you can see all the finalists, including me. :)there are 4 categories, and i'm in the "newcomer öltözék" one."öltözék" means clothing or outfit in hungarian. :)
i'm curious about what you think!
the jury decided already but they have to keep the decision secretuntil june the 22nd, the day of the finals. it was supposedto be held last saturday, the 8th, but they decided to postpone it because of the flood.
see you soon.hugs,agnes:)