What You Need:
- Two pieces a paper
- X-acto knife or razor blade
- Scissors
- Pencil and Ruler
Step 1: Cut out your hand shape
I traced mine and then altered it to make it more attractive and added a bottom detail.

You can make your heart any size you want. I wanted mine to fit inside the hand and drew one accordingly. I did a zig-zag design along the edges. I didn't have a pair of those handy craft scissors so I cut it by hand.

You can get pretty creative with this though I didn't. I just tried to replicated the orange one below, since I was a little uncertain if I would remember how to do it.
If you want to do the same detailing keep reading, if you want to skip this mess and keep the fingers simple skip to step 7A little side note: In boarding school, I finished most of my classes two years prior to my permitted graduation so I filled up my schedule gap with 4 hour painting classes every day. I had the most amazing teacher. When I first entered the class however I was a bit put off because we were not allowed to paint anything original. My teacher made us replicate paintings from famous artists: Van Gogh, Monet, Rembrandt, etc. It took me awhile but about twenty Van Gogh replicas later, I got the point. When you're new at something the best way to learn is often by replicating the things you love. You can't translate your ideas until you get down the technique and the best way to do that is learning through the artists that inspire you. Although papercutting is arguably less difficult than painting, I love this concept and wanted to share I think this Jim Jarmush quote sums it up perfectly. Major tangent, so back to the tutorial.
Step 4: Draw some guidelines
I boxed out the areas I wanted the paper woven details to go. I used a ruler but I didn't measure the boxes out, you can just eye it. You want to keep your pencil marks pretty light so they are easier to erase later.

Again I used a ruler for some lines but I eyed this, you want to make them as even as possible but it doesn't need to be perfect. The more arrows you add the more intricate that finger details will look. I did:
Pinky: 6 arrows
Ring, Middle and Pointer finger: 8 arrows
Thumb: 4 arrows
Bottom Detailing: 3 arrows each

Step 5: Cutting
This is probably the most tedious step. You are going use a razor or x-acto knife to cut your arrows.
The arrows at the very top arrow on the fingers and the bottom arrow on the bottom detailing are cut out completely.
For the rest of the arrows you will need to make two v-cuts, a small v-cut up top and bigger v-cut beneath (If this is confusing check out step 6, it might help you visualize the cuts).
After you are done cutting very carefully erase your pencil lines.

Step 6: Folding
Carefully fold all of the partially cut arrows back.

Decide if you want your heart up or down, then flip it (it will be upside down on the hand). Gently crease both pieces of paper down the center
Now take a pair of scissors and make 5 diagonal cuts.