Well, that statement could be a problem, is a blog a social media website?
Regardless, I've just never got into websites like Facebook. Although, I still have an account because it's the most convenient and preferred method of contact for a few of my long distance Facebook "friends." I only get on it once a week to delete my mom's wall posts. I love my two cats which my mom seems to think means I love all cats and posts any and all cat related videos/pictures to my page. Last week she averaged 3 a day.
But to the point, got instagram, love it, but sometimes feel like a creep, as I follow almost no one I know. I love looking at other people's pictures though and have posted a lot of things from the site already. Although, it always makes me wonder if it would weird those people out, yek. So that being said and at the risk of being a bigger creep here are some pictures from Megan McIsaac instagram, here and her webpage here.