Squaw Valley [quotes

  • words


  • Note to self

    Note to self

  • and though she be but little, she is fierce! _ just like me

    and though she be but little, she is fierce! _ just like me

  • words _ on fear

    words _ on fear

  • words _ my brain

    words _ my brain

  • things _ four

    things _ four

  • words _ observe

    words _ observe

  • words on design _ on being revolutionary

    words on design _ on being revolutionary

  • words _ progress

    words _ progress

  • just another note to self _ on mediocrity

    just another note to self _ on mediocrity

  • note to self _ great things

    note to self _ great things

  • and i quote _ from paul rand

    and i quote _ from paul rand

  • needed, indeed _ good vibes

    needed, indeed _ good vibes

  • words to live

    words to live



  • WORDS _ i just wanna

    WORDS _ i just wanna

  • THINGS _ four

    THINGS _ four

  • WORDS ON DESIGN _ yohji yamamoto

    WORDS ON DESIGN _ yohji yamamoto



  • WORDS ON DESIGN _ don chadwick

    WORDS ON DESIGN _ don chadwick